
The Easy Burden - Why The Burden of Following Christ is Better Than The Alternatives

Page history last edited by Bonnyville Baptist Church 13 years ago

There is no question about it.  Following Christ is hard.  In fact, at times it seems the demands Christ places upon us are not reasonable.  When he says in Matter 5:48, “Be ye perfect even as your Father in heaven is perfect” he makes an impossible demand.  Jesus commands us on numerous occasions to, “weigh the cost of discipleship” implying the cost is high.

 Charles Spurgeon said, “Religion is not a matter for trifling. The service of the meek and lowly Christ is no child’s play. There is a yoke that is to be borne by all His disciples and the neck of self-will must be bent low to receive it.”

 It is this burden that has kept many from following Jesus.  When they weigh the option Jesus lays before us they are repelled by its conditions.  Many pass on obedience to Christ to follow their own course, always hoping it will lead them to greater happiness and fulfilment- yet seldom is their hope realized.

 Here is the rub.  No matter what course of life you choose there is a burden to bear.  We cannot escape it.  If we reject the burden Christ offers we have only chosen another burden.  History has made it clear- there are no utopias and no free rides in life.

 Jesus says, “My yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Christ’s promise begs the question, “Your burden is light as compared to what?” He is calling us to choose His burden.  It is clear He is offering something that stands in contrast to other options

 What are some of those options and why is the option Christ offers easy in comparison?

 That is the purpose of this upcoming sermon series.  It is an evaluation of what Christ’s burden involves and why it is easy in comparison to our options.  It is a call for you to take on the easy the burden to give your life meaning and significance.  Please join us as we weigh the options and consider Christ’s offer.


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What Joseph can teach us about shattered expectations, Matthew 1:18-25 What Joseph Can Teach Us.pptx  What Joseph Can Teach Us Sermon.rtf

How To Avoid Deception, In Following Christ We Have the Source of Eternal Truth, John 8:31-36 Sermon12Truth.pptx  Sermon12TruthSermon.rtf

Stepping Out of The Boat, God Rewards believers who take risks based on His promises, Matthew 14:22-34 Stepping out of the boat.pptx Stepping out of the boat Sermon.rtf  

The Heart of Compassionate Outreach, Compassionate outreach happens when we see past our temporary pain to peoples permanent hoplessness, Romans 9:1-5, 10:14 CompassionateOutreach2.pptx  CompassionateOutreachSermon1.docx 

A Quality if Life Worth Living Forever, Eternal life is a quality of life that starts with knowing God, John 17:1-5 Sermon 10- Eternal Life.pptx  Sermon 10-Eternal Life 3.rtf

When You Can't Stand Anymore, Following Christ allows you to cast all your burdens on Him, Matthew 11:28, Hebrews 4:1-11 Sermon 9- The Rest.pptx  Sermon 9- The Rest Sermon.rtf  

When You Think You Have It Hard, The suffering of following Christ is only for a time, builds character and promises a reward, 1 Cor 4:17, 1 Peter, Romans 13, Matthew 5:1-7 Sermon 8- Suffering.pptx  Sermon 8- Suffering.rtf 

Devoting Your Life To The Family, God's grace frees the believer to focus on serving Him, John 1:14-18 Sermon 7- The Family Business.pptx  Sermon 7- The Family Business Outline.docx 

The Cost Of Social Cost for Following Christ, The cost of following Chtist involves putting Him first in our daily lives, John 15:18-25; Luke 14:25ff Sermon 6- The Social Cost.pptx  Sermon 6- The Social Cost1.rtf 

The Cost Of Exclusivity, The cost of following Christ involves rejecting all other paths to God, John 14: 1-7; Acts 4:11-12 Sermon 5- The Only Path.pptx  Sermon 5-Only one path.rtf 

The Delivery Man, Following Christ is The Only Path To True Freedom, Luke 4:14-30 Sermon 4- The Delivery Man.ppt Sermon 4- The Delievery Man.rtf 

So Easy a Child Could Do It, Christ makes following Him simple enough for a child to understand, Matthew 11:25, 19:14 Sermon 3- The Simple Path.pptx  Sermon 3- The Simple Path.rtf 

The Cost of Discipleship, The believer should weigh the cost of following Christ, Luke 14: 25-34 Sermon 2- The Cost of Discipleship.pptx  Sermon 2- The Cost of Discipleship.rtf 

The Call to Accept Christ's Burden, The believer should accept the burden of following Christ because it is easy and protects us from judgement, Matthew 11:20-30 Sermon 1- The Call to Accept.pptx  Sermon 1- The Call to Accept the easy burden.rtf



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