Excelling in the Grace of Giving, God measures the value of our giving by what we have- not what we give, II Corinthians 8:1-12 Sermon1TheGraceofGiving.pptx Sermon1TheGraceofGiving.rtf
Sharing the Burden, The one who has plenty is to assist the one who has little, II Corinthians 8:13-24 Sermon2SharingtheBurden.pptx Sermon2Sharingtheburdern.rtf
God loves a cheerful giver, God desires believers to give with cheerful hearts, II Corinthians 9:1-9 Sermon 3- The Simple Path.pptx Sermon3CheerfulGiving.rtf
God models giving with His indescribable Gift, The believer should give as a response to what God has given him, II Corinthians 9:10-15 Sermon4GiveasGodgives.pptx Sermon4GiveasGodgives.rtf
Church Growth Campaign Brochure 2012.pdf
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