Moving Forward: Letting go of the things that keep you from realizing God's best.
It happens in businesses, it happens in churches and it happens in your personal life. We cannot seem to let go of the htings that keep us from moving forward.
- In business it may be an employee who performs to minimal standards or a once cherished product line or marketing approach that is no longer competitive.
- In churches it may be a cherished program or ministry that takes more resources than the result justifies or a strategy that has not worked for years.
- In your personal life it may mean a sinful habit, a grudge, a loss of a loved one, or a victory or failure that keeps you living in the past.
As a result we are missing out on something better that God desires for us.
Henry Cloud calls it "Necessary Endings". In his book with that title he says, "We often experience (endings) with a sense of hesitation, resignation, sadness or regret... If we cannot see endings in a positive light and exectue them well, the 'Better' will never come either in our business or in our personal lives."
Gail Sheehy calls it "Passages". In her book she argues that people go through different stages in their lives and change is certain. She says, "All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter into another!"
Paul commands us to "put away childish things," "cast off things that hinder us," and, "Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus."
Sometimes, before one can move forward he must let go of something in the past that weighs you down. The bible speaks frequently to this issue.
That is the purpose of this sermon series, It is intended to help you discover or consider the things that keep you from moving forward. It will help you grow up to become the person God wants you to be.
Join us as we learn to "Let Go" so we can "Move Forward."
Confronting the Woles among us, Believers must confront people with selfish motives, Acts 20:17-38 Sermon 9-Dealingwithwolves.pptx Sermon9-Dealing with Wolves.rtf
A Hope Grounded in Reality, The believer's hope for the future is more than wishful thinking, Romans 8:23-25 Sermon8- Hope.pptx Sermon8-Hope.rtf
It's Time To Grow Up, Put away the things that are keeping you from growing up, 1 Corinthians 13:1-12 Sermon7-GrowUp.pptx Sermon7-GrowUp.rtf
Conflict: When Our Personal Desires Outweigh Our Desire for God, The believer should humbly submit before God, James 4:1-12 Sermon 6- Conflict Sermon.pptx Sermon 6-Conflict.rtf
Guilt: Being Released From The Weight of Sin, God's forgiveness motivates the believer to worship and obedience, Luke 7:36-44 Sermon 5- Guilt Sermon.pptx Sermon 5-GuiltSermon.rtf
Forgiveness: Letting Go of The Debt That is Owed, Follow the example of Jesus by forgiving others, Colossians 3:13 Sermon4-Forgiveness.pptx Sermon4-Forgiveness.rtf
Necessary Endings, The believer should put past victories and defeats behind him to achieve God's prize, Philippians 3:12-14 Sermon1NecessaryEndings.rtf
The Fine and Important Skill of Pruning, Jesus teaches us pruning is an essential part of bearing fruit, John 15: 1-8 Sermon2Pruning.pptx Sermon2Pruning.docx
The Seasons of Grief, Accepting the stages and finality of death allows us to move forward with life, 2 Samuel 12 Sermon3-Lettinggoofgrief.pptx Sermon3-Lettinggoofgrief.rtf
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