
Rediscover Church

Page history last edited by Bonnyville Baptist Church 12 years, 4 months ago

Redicover Church: Why Church Is An Important Part Of Spiritual Growth


You have heard it said or maybe you have said it yourself, "I don't need church!" Your reason may be: I feel closer to God by exploring nature. There are too many hypocrites. I was hurt by someone in the church. I don't want to hear someone telling me I am going to hell, or I am a sinner, etc. Whatever your reason, the scripture tells us that with all its limitations and imperfections the church is still God's agency for accomplishing his mission on earth. He calls all of us to be part of that mission. Join us as we look at what that mission is and how God uses us, the church, to make himself and his mission known. Come and rediscover church with us.


God's Remarkable Gift, The believer experiences God's saving grace through Jesus alone, Romans 5:12-21 Sermon1-Rediscover Grace.pptx  It is well Drama.pptx  Sermon1-Rediscover Grace Sermon.rtf

Molded Into Something Great, God uses everything in your life to mold you into something great, Romans 8:28-29 Sermon 2- Rediscover Growth.pptx  Sermon 2-Rediscover Growth Sermon.rtf

Get Off The Mountaintop, Spiritual growth happens through a community of servant believers, Romans 12:9-21 Sermon 3- Rediscover Groups.pptx  Sermon 3-Rediscover Groups Sermon.rtf

Are You Being Served?, You should discover and exercise the gifts God ha sgiven you, Romans 12:3-8 Sermon4- Rediscover Gifts.pptx  Sermon4- Rediscover Gifts Sermon.rtf

The Sacred Presence, God's name and essence is sacred and demands our worship, Exodus 3:1-15 Sermon5-Rediscover Giving.pptx  Sermon5-Rediscover Giving Sermon.docx

The Mature Church, God calls for His church to function in a decent and orderly manner, 1 Corinthians 14:26-40 Sermon 6- Rediscover Order.pptx Sermon6-Rediscover Order Sermon.rtf  Three Groups of Gifts .rtf   WOMEN IN THE CHURCH.rtf

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