The Theme of Hebrews is that Jesus is superior to all other ways to God. He is superior to all prophets, to all priests and His path to God is superior to any other path. He is, in fact, the only path. The old covenant has been supeceded and replaced with a new covenant between us and God. Jesus is the center of that new covenant. Why does this matter?
Because there are many who claim conflicting views like:
- All religions lead to the same God.
- There are prophets today who proclaim a different message.
- There is no God.
- If there is a God we cannot know Him.
- There are other paths to happiness and well-being and we should all pursue our own path.
Hebrews refutes all these claims and shows us the path that Jesus opens up for us. It is a path that leads into the presence and knowledge of the only true God because Jesus is God. Truth by defintion is exclusive so if something is true then that which opposes it is false. Hebrews tells is that Jesus, as the Truth, means other approaches to God are false.
In the first section of Hebrews we discover that Jesus is superior to all other prophets and even that angels. The message of Jesus is that the old covenant God had with Israel has been superseded with a new Covenant based on the person and finished work of Jesus. He will give three of his seven warnings for rejecting this truth.
Christ: The Superior Revelation, Hebrews 1:1-3, The believer should see Christ as the ultimate revelation Hebrews 1-1-3 Sermon Powerpoint.pptx Hebrews 1-1-3 Sermon.rtf
A Caution to Drifting Christians, Hebrews 1:4-2:4, The believer should be faithful to the gospel. Hebrews 1-4-2-4 Sermon Powerpoint.pptx Hebrews 1-4-2-4 Sermon.rtf
Christ, the Model of Man's Dignity, Hebrews 2:5-9, The believer should submit himself to Christ. Hebrew 2-5-10 Sermon Powerpoint.pptx Hebrews 2-5-10 Sermon1.rtf
How to Get Freedom from Fear, Hebrews 2:10-18, The believer should not fear death or suffering. Hebrews 2-10-18 Sermon Powerpoint.pptx Hebrews 2-10-18 Sermon.rtf
Fixing Your Broken Thoughts, Hebrews 3:1-6, The believer's thoughts should be fixed on Christ.Hebrews 3-1-11 Sermon Powerpoint.pptx Hebrews 3-1-11 Sermon.rtf
Diagnosis? A Hardening of the Heart, Hebrews 3:12-19, The believer should encourage others in their faith Hebrews 3-7-19 Sermon Powerpoint.pptx Hebrews 3-7-19 Sermon.rtf
How to Find a Better Rest, Hebrews 4:1-11, The believer should enter into God's RestHebrews 4-1-11 Sermon Powerpoint.pptx Hebrews 4-1-11 Sermon.rtf
How to Deal with Guilt, Hebrews 4:12-16, The believer should approach God with the weakness He revealsHebrews 4-12-16 Sermon Powerpoint.pptx Hebrews 4-12-16 Sermon.rtf
The second section of Hebrews argues that Jesus provides a superior priesthood. In the Old Testament, a prophet was a person who spoke to man on behalf of God and a priest spoke to God on behalf of man. Jesus changes all that. In the first section we saw that Jesus supersedes all Prophets. In this second section we will see that Jesus supersedes the Old Testament priesthood. The author tells us that when we trust in Jesus we become a priest- every believer is a priest. This means we all have direct access into the presence of God on a daily basis. The author will also give his fourth warning to those who abandon the way of Jesus.
Christ: The Obedient Son/Priest, Hebrews 5:1-10, The believer should believe Christ's obedience provided salvation.Hebrews 5-1-10 Sermon Powerpoint.pptx Hebrews 5-1-10 Sermon.rtf
It’s Time to Grow Up, Hebrews 5:11-14, The believer should mature beyond the basics of his faith.
You Can’t Go Back, Hebrews 6:1-6, The believer should mature beyond the basics of his faith.Hebrews 6-1-6 Sermon.pptx Hebrews 6-1-7 Sermon.rtf
How to Receive God's Blessings, Hebrews 6:7-12, The believer should imitate faithful believers to receive God's blessing.Hebrews 6-7-12 Sermon Powerpoint.pptx Hebrews 6-7-12 Sermon.rtf
The Anchor of our Soul, Hebrews 6:13-20, The believer should find hope in the security of God's promises.Hebrews 6-13-20 Sermon Powerpoint.pptx Hebrews 6-13-20 Sermon.rtf
A Picture of to Things to Come, Hebrews 7:1-10, The believer should be blessed by Christ as the great mediator:Hebrews 7-1-10 Sermon Powerpoint.pptx Hebrews 7-1-10 Sermon (2).rtf
The Pathway to Perfection, Hebrews 7:11-22, The believer looks to find perfection in Christ
How to Receive Permanent Security, Hebrews 7:23-28, The believer should see Christ as a once-for-all sacrificeHebrews 7-22-28.pptx Hebrews 7-23-28 Sermon.rtf
The Shadow of Reality, Hebrews 8:1-5, The believer should see reality in view of Christ.Hebrews 8-1-5.pptx Hebrews 8-1-5 Sermon.rtf
Comparing the Covenants, Hebrews 8:6-13, The believer should enjoy the benefits and responsibilities of the New CovenantHebrews 8-6-13.pptx Hebrews 8-8-13 Sermon.docx
How to Have a Clear Conscience, Hebrews 9:1-14, The believer should find a clear conscience in the New Covenant
Hebrews 9-1-15.pptx Hebrews 9-1-14 Sermon.pdf
The Cost of Forgiveness, Hebrews 9: 15-22, The believer should find forgiveness through the cross of Christ. Hebrews 9-16-22.pptx Hebrews 9-15-22 Sermon.rtf
Stopping the Blame Game, Hebrews 9:23-28, The believer should stop putting himself and others down for sin. Hebrews 9-22-28.pptx Hebrews 9-23-28 Sermon.rtf
When One is Superior to Many, Hebrews 10: 1-18, The believer should model the motive of Christ's superior sacrifice.Hebrews 10-1-18.pptx Hebrews 10-1-18 Sermon.rtf
The Third section of Hebrews shows us that Jesus is the way to a better life. Because we are priests and can enter directly into the presence of God we can have the life that God desires for us. We people from the Old Covenant who model the kind of life God approves of. We learn that faith in Jesus alone is what makes us right with God. This reality should motivate us to strive to know and do Gods will, it should give us peace and it should give us hope. In this section we will also see three warnings for rejecting Jesus.
The “Let Us” Patch of Faith, Hebrews 10: 19-25, The believer should apply the benefits of his purified position Hebrews 10-19-25.pptx Hebrews 10-19-25.rtf
The Peril of Abandoning the Faith, Hebrews 10:26-39, The believer should go forward in is faith
Why Not Sin Now, Repent Later?, Hebrews 10:26-39, The believer should trust God in trails for greater reward.
A Portrait of Faith, Hebrews 11:1-7, The believer’s faith in what he cannot see pleases God. Hebrews 11-1-7.pptx Hebrews 11-1-7 Sermon.rtf
The Hall of Faith, Hebrews 11:8-22, The believer’s faith should move him to obedience and patience. Hebrews 11-8-22.pptx Hebrews 11-8-22.rtf
Faith: Going against the cultural Currents, Hebrews 11:23-31, The believer’s faith should direct him through the cultural currents of life. Hebrews 11-23-30.pptx Hebrews 11-23-31.rtf The Surprising Discovery About Those Colonialist.rtf
God Has Big Plans For Those Who Wait, Hebrews 30-40, People of faith endure suffering because they know God has planned something better for them. Hebrews 11-3040.pptx Hebrews 11-30-40 Sermon.rtf
Enduring the Race of Faith, Hebrews 12: 1-3, Hebrews 12-1-3.pptx Hebrews 12-1-3Sermon.docx.rtf
How Hardships Show What God Thinks About Us Hebrews 12-4-15.pptx Hebrews 12-4-15 Sermon.rtf
Worshipping God on His Terms, Hebrews 12:18-29, The believer should worship God with reverence and awe. Hebrews 12-18-29.pptx Hebrews 12-18-29 Sermon.rtf
The Believers Book of Social Etiquette, Hebrews 13:1-6, The believer’s social duties should model God's Love Hebrews 13-1-6 Sermon.pptx Hebrews 13-1-6 Sermon.rtf
An Imitation that Please God, Hebrews 13:7-16, The believer should model Godly Leaders Hebrews 13-7-16.pptx Hebrews 13-7-16 Sermon.rtf
The Secret of Doing God's Will, Hebrews 13:17-25, The believer should do God's Will Hebrews 13-17-25.pptx Hebrews 13-17-25 Sermon.rtf
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