
God is Good, God is Great

Page history last edited by Bonnyville Baptist Church 11 years, 8 months ago

The message of God's goodness is a constant theme throughout the Bible.  Few things are as precious to the believer in Jesus Christ as that reality.  But, in the past years especially, the goodness of God has been challenged.  It is being argued that God cannot be both good and great (all-powerful) if evil exists - otherwise he would eliminate evil and suffering.  For some, this arguement is a deal-breaker on whether God can be believed and trusted.


The purpose of this sermon series is to demonstrate that God is both good and great.  We will see that the supposed 'Problem of Evil' is the result of a flawed view of God and his nature.  A proper understanding of the biblical view of God reveals that his sovereignty allows for evil and He ultimately uses it for a greater eternal good that may be beyond our comprehension.


God is Good, Psalm 107: Suffering is a universal problem that only has meaning in God's sovereignty.  God is Good.pptx God is Good Sermon 1.rtf

     Key Ideas

          The Bible highlights the goodness and love of God.

          God is goodness and love - botha re based on the nature of God.

          Love must be something we choose to do - we are not programmed robots.

          Goodness and love do not require the absence of suffering. 


God is Great, Isaiah 45: God is all-powerful, which allows him to do anything consistent with his nature.God is Great.pptx God is Great Sermon.rtf

     Key Ideas

          God has the divine right to create any world any way he wants - he did not consult us.

          Omnipotence does not mean God must or should do anything just because he can. 

          God cannot go against His nature (i.e., God cannot decide to not exist or build a rock so big He cannot lift it).


God is All-Knowing, Psalm 136: God’s Omniscience allows Him to know how suffering is used for His eternal plan.Omniscience of God.pptx God is Omnicient.rtf

      Key Ideas:

          Omniscience means God knows all possible options past, present and future.

          He knows our suffering and has a plan to use it for our ultimate good and his glory.

          Because we cannot understand his purpose does not mean God does not have one.

          In eternity God will bring justice to everything that happens.


God is Holy and Just, Revelation 20:11-15: God’s justice requires an eternal response to sin and rejection.Gods Holiness Sermon.pptx God is Holy Sermon (2).rtf

     Key Ideas:

          Making an argument based only on the goodness and greatness of God is too selective.

          God is also holy and just- it is not “either- or” it is “both= and”

          It would be like arguing in God is holy and just and men our sinners then why is there pleasure?

          In giving men free agency men can choose to do evil.


God’s Megaphone, Psalm 22: God uses suffering to make Himself know to us and others.Pain Gods Megaphone.pptx Pain as Gods Megaphone Sermon.rtf

     Key Ideas:

          God can use suffering to man us aware to the sinful nature of man.

          Suffering makes us try to understand the purposes of God.

          Pain and suffering can have useful purposes.

          People seldom change unless something traumatic happens to them.


The Power of God’s Presence, Job 43: God’s answer to our suffering is His presence.God is Present.pptx God is Present.rtf

     Key Ideas:

          When suffering turns us to God we can find hope.

          The believer can have the assurance God is with us in our suffering.

          Job answer to his suffering is not an answer but assurance of God’s presence.


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