
The Right Side Of History

Page history last edited by Bonnyville Baptist Church 10 years, 5 months ago

It is common knowledge that there is an ongoing trend toward secularization in Western Civilization. People of influence are rejecting the “old outdated superstitious” values of the past to a more enlightened, less judgmental, more tolerant view of people’s differences- or so the argument goes.  Values, it is argued, are subjective and no one is in a position to judge anyone else.  Its theme verse might be, “Judge not unless you be judged.” Religion is often presented as the source of this past judgmental spirit and either must be eliminated, marginalized or remolded to this more accepting enlightened view.


This “Secular Myth” can be stated in one sentence: “Mankind is progressing from oppressive religious superstition to enlightened freedom.”


Pierce Morgan had a guest use a phrase that encapsulates this position.  The phrase was, “the right side of history.”  While it was used in the context of an argument for accepting homosexual marriage as equivalent to heterosexual marriages the phrase also summarizes the secular narrative.


How is the follower of Christ to respond? Are these people right?  Has Christianity historically been anti-science and judgmental? Must we accept this “progressive” trend and step into “the right side of history?” Has the essential message of Jesus been misunderstood and misapplied? Or, could it be that this is an example of “chronological snobbery” which C.S. Lewis defines as, “the uncritical acceptance of the intellectual climate common to our own age with the assumption that whatever has gone out of date is on account discredited”?


This sermon series will argue this second position in that all cultures, past and present, are impacted by human nature that is self-centered and driven toward sin.  This assures us that the only utopia we will experience is beyond this world.  At no time in history has mankind emulated the perfect world and based on that reality it is not likely the future will do any better.  So what is the right side of history and does it matter?


In this study we will discover that the secular narrative is wrong.  The modern assessment of the past is filled with distortions and factual inaccuracies that mislead people into forming flawed conclusions.  We will learn that the course of history is being directed by the God of creation and to serve Him is to ultimately be on the right side of history. 


Each sermon will follow this outline

The Premise

The Problem

A Biblical Response


The Secular MythSermon 1- The Secular Myth.pptx Sermon 1- The Secular Myth.rtf

The Father Knows Best Sermon 2- The Father KnowsBest.pptx  Sermon2- The Father Knows Best.rtf

Sent to the Bench Sermon3- Sent to the Bench.pptx Sermon 3- Sent to the Bench.rtf

The Limits of Science Sermon4- Giving the Whole Truth.pptx Listen to God Shout.rtf

The Authority of Scripture Sermon5-ListentoGodShout.pptx Listen to God Shout.rtf

The Authority of Scripture 2 Sermon6-The Authority of Scripture.pptx Sermon6-The Authority of Scripture (Autosaved).rtf Copies Insert1.pdf

That's Your Interpretation Sermon7- That's Your Interpretation.pptx Sermon7- That's Your Interpretation.rtf Sermon 7- Bulletin Insert.pdf

An Inconvenient Truth Sermon8- An Inconvinient Truth.pptx Sermon7- An Inconvinient Truth.rtf  The discoveries of modern science are the.docx

The Bandwagon Effect Sermon9-The Bandwagon Effect.pptx Sermon9- The Bandwagon Effect.docx.rtf

Who Stole Our Values? Sermon 10- Who Stole our values.pptx Sermon 10- Who stole our values edited for sermon.rtf

A Blast from the Past Sermon 11 Blast from the Past.pptx Blast from the Past.rtf The Surprising Discovery About Those Colonialist.rtf Woodberry APSR 2011.pdf

Gods Design for Human Sexuality Sermon12- God's Plan for Sexuality.pptx Sermon12- Gods Plan for Human Sexuality.rtf

Homosexuality- The Elephant in the Room Sermon 13- The Elephant in the Room.pptx Sermon 13-The Elephant in the Room.rtf    The Meaning of the word Nature in Romans 1.pdf Alcholism and Homosexuality Contrasted.docx Homosexual Health and Promiscuity.rtf Sermon 13-The Elephant in the Room.rtf  Response to Matthew Viness- 'God and the Gay Christian'.docx

The Secular Plan of Salvation Sermon14-The Secular Utopia.pptx Sermon14- The Secular Plan of Savation Sermon.rtf

The Great Dance Sermon15-The Great Dance.pptx Sermon15-The Great Dance.rtf

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