Individual Sermons
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last edited
by Bonnyville Baptist Church 10 years, 1 month ago
Individual Sermons
- January 3, 2015 Dr David McClain Personal Transformation Sermon.pptx Personal Transformation Sermon.rtf
- December 28, 2014 Dr. David McClain How to Have a Succesful New Year Sermon.rtf
- December 24, 2014 Dr David McClain Sermon- What if Jesus Had Never Been Born.pptx Sermon- What If Jesus Had Never Been Born.rtf
- December 21, 2014 Dr, David McClain Design, Not Despair.pptx Design, Not Despair Sermon.rtf
- February 2, 2014 Essentials of a Growing Church Small Groups Sermon.pptx Small Groups Sermon.rtf
- October 27, 2013 Adminstration Sermon 7 Administration Sermon.pptx Sermon 7- Administration Sermon (2).rtf
- October 20, 2013 Giving: Worship is a Matter of Life and Breath Sermon 7- Giving.pptx Sermon 70- Giving (2).rtf
- October 6, 2013 Groups: Walking Together in the Light Sermon 5- Groups.pptx Sermon 5- Groups (2).rtf
- September 29, 2013, Growth: What Do You Want to Be When You Grow Up? Sermon 4- Growth.pptx Sermon 4- Growth (2).rtf
- September 22, 2013, Grace: The Result of Grace & Mercy Sermon 3- Grace.pptx Sermon 3- Grace .rtf
- September 15, 2013, Vision Sunday - Bringing Christ into Focus Sermon 2- Our Vision.pptx Vision Sunday - Bringing Christ Into Focus.rtf
- September 8, 2013, What is a Christian? Sermon 1- What is a Christian.pptx Sermon 1 - What is a Christian.rtf
- March 31, 2013, How the Resurrection of Jesus Can Give You New LifeEaster '13 - Ephesians 2-1-10.pptx Ephesians 2-1-10 Sermon.rtf
- January 27, 2013, Saul: The Man of Good Intentions Morgan Allen January 27 2013 Saul the man of good intentions.rtf
- January 6, 2013, The Difficulty of Sharing Your Faith The Difficulty of Sharing Your Faith (Jan Mostert) Jan 6 2013.pptx
- December 30, 2012, The Historical Drift Historical Drift.pptx Historical Drift Sermon.rtf
- December 23, 2012, Christmas Teaches Us to Wait Christmas Teaches Us to Wait.pptx Christmas Teaches us to Wait Sermon.rtf
- December 16, 2012, Jesus- The Great Polarizer The Polarizer Sermon.pptx Polarizer Sermon.rtf
- November 4, 2012, The Road To Emmaus November 4 2013.rtf
- July 22, 2012 Giving God’s Best Back.pptx
- January 1, 2012 Acknowledging What God Has Done, Luke 17:11-19 GivingPraise.pptx GivingPraiseSermon.rtf
- December 25, 2011 The Birth Of Christ, Luke 2:1-2:21 The Christmas Story.pptx The Story of Christmas.rtf
- December 18, 2011 The Wise Mens Search, Matthew 2:1-12 The Wisemens Search.pptx THE WISE MENS SEARCH Sermon.rtf
- August 28, 2001 Excellence in Worship, 1 Chronicles 28 Excellence in Worship.pptx Worship Excellence Sermon.docx
- August 21. 2011 Yeah God! Celebration is the Essence of Worship, Psalm 100 Psalm 100.ppt Sermon- Celebration is the Essence of Worship.rtf
- July 24, 2011 The Ten Commandments on Fellowship, Romans 12: 9-21 Romans 12.rtf
- June 12, 2011 Graduate Service- Choose To Follow the One True God, A right commitment to follow God will help you experience a purposeful life, 1Kings 18 Follow the True God.ppt Follow the True God.rtf
- May 8th, 2011 A Message for Mothers, Exodus 2:1-10 A Message for Mothers.ppt A Message for Mothers Sermon.docx
- April 24th,2011 The Promises of Easter, Because the cross, tomb and burial clothes are empty we can build our lives' on the promises of God, Luke 24:1-8 The Promises of Easter.ppt The Promises of Easter.docx
- When our Dreams Don't Come True (In the Morning, there was Leah), Theme: Satisfaction comes when God alone is sufficient to satisfy our deepest desire Genesis29:15-35.pptIn the Morning There was Leah Sermon.doc
- Moved into Motion, Theme: The believer is moved to action when he sees the world as God does, Exodus 2:11-25 Moved into Action.ppt Moved into Motion.doc
- Keeping your spiritual clock wound, It is God's plan that His people overcome spiritual entropy, Proverbs Entropy.ppt Entropy.doc
- Living Out Righteousness, 1John 3:4-12 (No Powerpoint for this sermon.) LIVING OUT RIGHTEOUSNESS.docx
Individual Sermons
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